The Ex-Round Tablers Club
Lichfield Spires 41 Club
So you have left Round Table after some of the most enjoyable years of your life and are wondering just what can I do to fill that gap ?
Well here is your answer :
Of course it doesn’t you are a Round Tabler at heart you just happen to be 45 years old, or older, but you still want the same things from a club that you always did, and here it is Lichfield Spires, a club for ex Round Tabler’s who are not yet ready for the pipe slippers and cocoa routine.
We may not be quite as young as we once were but we are just as committed to fun, friendship and banter in much the same way that Round Table always was and still is.
So if you are an ex Round Tabler from this neck of the woods or if you have relocated into the area and want to continue the Round Table ethos with a group of people who remain young at heart then give us a call, alternatively the dates and times of “The Antiques Roadshow” are available in all daily newspapers.
The choice is yours; we look forward to hearing from you.
We all know that it is just too easy to let that space fill up with just life, it’s funny how that happens, and before you know it you have no spare time at all and you slowly drift away from a group of people you have had so much fun with over the years.
Ok so stop what you are doing right now and listen to me, trust me it will be worth it. Just because you have hit 45 years of age, or maybe older, doesn’t mean “that is it”, it doesn’t mean “I’ll just put on the slippers and watch “The Antiques Roadshow” and slowly drift into a boring routine.
Lichfield Spires the home of the inspired ex Round Tabler.
The Morgan Factory Visit
7th August
On Wednesday afternoon 7th August, Lichfield Spires 41 Club set off by minibus bound for Malvern and the Morgan Car factory – and what a great visit it turned out to be.
We were welcomed at the factory and given a full tour of the works watching these famous cars being built. It was fascinating seeing the cars being hand crafted, and the tour guide was a very knowledgeable ex worker who doubled up as the Morgan Museum curator.
Having all decided we wanted to buy and own a Morgan, we retired to a lovely country pub for good food, very good beer, and much ribald banter. As we returned home in the glorious summer sunshine, I reflected that this was why I joined 41 Club.
- Keith