The Ex-Round Tablers Club
Lichfield Spires 41 Club
Next Meeting
30th March 2016
AGM - Bowling Green Pub
The next Spires meeting is the Spires AGM.
Any Spires member who will be attending but who are not already booked in, please
contact Simon Trevelyan.
If you’re an ex-Round Tabler who happens to be around Lichfield on Wednesday evenings, why not come along to one of our events?
We’re a young and reasonably energetic 41 Club who’ve set up an active and varied agenda for the year, as you’ll see from our Events Calendar. There’s no formality in the Spires – we’d rather spend our time getting out and about!
It’s fantastic that the Spires has proved so popular in the short time we’ve been around, but we also know there are plenty of local ex-Tablers who haven’t yet come along.
So if you used to be in 250, 1200 or any other RT club, and if you’d like to do the things you used to do in Table, we’d like to hear from you. Go to the Contact Us page and you’re a click away from re-creating your Table life!
LICHFIELD SPIRES 41 CLUB : The Ex-Round Tablers Club